This is a collection of Promotional Videos and Showreels XoMoX has been either exclusively responsible for or worked in concert with other agencies on.

SOKHA Hotels & Resorts
Cambodia ©2014

Food Styling Demo Reel
Worldwide ©2014

LUX LiJiang
China ©2014

la Canelle Villa
Sri Lanka ©2014

Guinness More presents: “Hao Yun”
China ©2013

F&B Showreel
worldwide ©2013

Food Showreel
Shanghai / 上海 ©2013

Hangarite Mktg. Piece
Shanghai / 上海 ©2012

esl Adventure Tours
Shanghai / 上海 ©2012

Beach Club Resort
Cambodia ©2012

Thai Garden Resort
Pattaya, Thailand ©2011

Blue River Dairy promo
New Zealand ©2010