Why Change Management

Change is happening in your organization. Every day, new initiatives and projects are launched to improve performance, increase profits, and enhance your competitive advantage. You could be implementing technology to enable a more mobile workforce, reengineering a process to ensure regulatory compliance or pursuing an enterprise-wide transformation around customer experience. There is a common denominator…

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Creative Boutique Instead of a Large Ad Agency

One of the biggest decisions CMOs and other leaders must make is choosing an agency to market their company. Many attributes factor into this choice, including the convenience of the agency’s location, its specialties, and its past work with other brands. Another factor is size. Is the agency large, small, or a tiny boutique? Standard…

Consumer Culture is Your Operating System

Initially emerging from neoliberalisation, globalization is an intricate, multi-layered phenomenon that has played a significant role in determining modern culture and  wider transformations that shape life on our planet. Central to the mythology of modernity, globalization continues a lineage of ‘progress’ that originates from the Enlightenment. Essentially, processes of globalization are part of a system…