Why Change Management

Change is happening in your organization. Every day, new initiatives and projects are launched to improve performance, increase profits, and enhance your competitive advantage. You could be implementing technology to enable a more mobile workforce, reengineering a process to ensure regulatory compliance or pursuing an enterprise-wide transformation around customer experience. There is a common denominator…

SOURCING: manufactured materials

Asia-Pacific based organizations, does your company utilize any of the following: 亚太地区的组织,贵公司是否使用以下任何一种: Various Metals (各种金属) Inorganic Compounds (无机化合物) (Sulfide, Acetate, Oxide & Tin Oxide) Reclaimed / Recycled (回收/再循环) (i.e. programs for indium, gallium, germanium, and tin) Thin-Film Materials (薄膜材料) (materials for: Sputtering, Evaporation, Ink Printing, Plating) Solders & Solder Paste / Powders (焊料和焊膏/粉末) Thermal Interface Materials…